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Demo Environment for the Privacy Management Solution

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Demonstration Modules


Cookie Compliance

Demonstrate compliance with global cookie regulations by giving consumers control over cookie preferences and marketing consent. Organizations can implement banner ads, preference centers, and other tools to facilitate consumer consent for cookies, advertising, and tracking.


Data Mapping

Enable your organization to view the entire data lifecycle and maintain an up-to-date data inventory. Identify deficiencies and track recommendations, evidence, and approvals for risk correction.


Data Subject Access Request

Create a standardized way to receive requests from consumers and data subjects and manage them in a centralized system. Customize a branded web form to receive requests, receive notifications of a submitted request, validate identity, file an extension, and fulfill requests.


Consent Management

Manage the entire consent lifecycle from collection to withdrawal. Demonstrate accountability across multiple collection points, allow users to manage preferences, and centrally maintain a consent audit trail to help demonstrate accountability to regulations.


Assessment Automation

Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) are essential in helping privacy professionals identify and guide the use of personal information throughout the organization. Share assessments with external users, mitigate business risk and measure business impact.


Policy & Notice Management

Create, manage, and distribute enterprise policies across your organization

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